Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Principle of Beneficence vs Patient Autonomy and Rights

Special Feature – Medical Ethics Essay Singapore Med J 2002 Vol 43(3) : 148-151 Deconstructing Paternalism – What Serves the Patient Best? N H S S Tan (This Essay won the Singapore Medical Association Ethics Essay Award (Non-medical Undergraduate Category) in 2001.) ABSTRACT On the motion that â€Å"medical paternalism serves the patient best†, this essay reviews current arguments on medical paternalism vs. patient autonomy. Citing medico-ethical texts and journals and selected real-life applications like electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and the advanced medical directive (AMD), the essay argues that medical paternalism cannot serve the patient best insofar as current debates limit themselves to â€Å"who† wields the decision-making power. Such†¦show more content†¦Paternalists would claim that physicians have a â€Å"medical tradition to serve the patient’s well-being†, with the prerogative to preserve life and thus have the patient’s best interests at heart (Mappes and DeGrazia, 1996; p.52). Singapore Med J 2002 Vol 43(3) : 149 Far from paternalism understood as a dogmatic decision made by the physician, James Childress in his book â€Å"Who Shall Decide?† further expounds paternalism into multi-faceted dimensions. Pure paternalism intervenes on account of the welfare of a person, while impure paternalism intervenes because more than one person’s welfare is at stake. Restricted paternalism curbs a patient’s inherent tendencies and extended paternalism encompasses minimising risk in situations through restrictions. Positive paternalism promotes the patient’s good and negative paternalism seeks to prevent an existing harm. Soft paternalism appeals to the patient’s values and hard paternalism applies another’s value over the patient. Direct paternalism benefits the person who has been restricted and indirect paternalism benefits a person other than the one restricted. Whatever the case may be, the guiding principle of modern paternalism,† says Gary Weiss, â€Å" remains that the physician decides what is best for the patient and tries to follow that course of action† (1985; p.184). That the physician determines ‘what is best’ is questionable. The medical profession’s back-to-basicsShow MoreRelatedA Careful and Meaningful Consideration of my Journey in Nursing Ethics1614 Words   |  7 Pagesresort that showcases the function of reason and knowledge in understanding the complex nature of relationship that exist between the Healthcare System, the patient, and the Healthcare provider. 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Similarly, it is theRead MoreEthical Aspects Of Organ Allocation1169 Words   |  5 Pageshow organs are dispersed to their recipients. It does not mean giving all patients the equivalent or saving only the sickest patient, but, instead, offers that uniform respect and apprehension be assumed to all patients. Medical utility means accomplishing the greatest net medical good overall and making the finest use of limited resources to be allocated. For example, there are several questions which ask about the patient, which are, is the child medically ready for transplant? Is the child tooRead MoreShould Vaccines Be Government Enforced?1584 Words   |  7 Pagesdefinition, run counter to every relevant set of medical ethics. Particularly the principles of Autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence (AMA). Autonomy argues a patient obtain autonomy of thought, intention, and ac tion when making decisions in regard to medical procedures. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Heroism of Dying for Ones Country in Poetry Essay

The Heroism of Dying for Ones Country in Poetry The Volunteer is a Pro-War poem written by Herbert Asquith. Asquith uses roman imagery to invoke a feeling of greatness and honour. Asquith begins his poem by describing the miserable, mundane life of a clerk, working in a city grey. He opens with the words Here lies that are normally used to begin writing on a gravestone. This epitaph - style opening gives the idea that the clerk has now passed away and the poem will concentrate on events beforehand. We are told the clerk has spent half his life doing boring work (..Toiling at ledgers..), his days drifting away. There is a distinct lack of fulfilment in his life, ..With no lance broken in lifes tournament (Lance†¦show more content†¦This poem is very pro-war and is remarkably influential in using roman imagery to sway the readers judgement in his favour. Overall, it is written quite effectively. Another pro-war poem is Henry V. It is actually a speech from Henry V by William Shakespeare. It is his interpretation of what Henry V would have said to his men in an effort to inspire them before they fought at Agincourt. The writer uses the idea that the men will be remembered as heroes and become famous to enthuse them. He begins his speech by naming the day the feast of Crispian. He goes onto declare that ..He that outlives this day shall stand taller (..Stand a tiptoe) on this day in the future. This will make the men that fight feel superior; and more importantly it will make those who dont fight feel inferior. The words feast and flowing cups are also used. These give the imagery of a better life with plenty of food and drink. (possibly that of a king.) He goes on say that every year the man who fought: ..will strip his sleeve, and shows his scars, And say - These wounds I had on Crispins day This quote fits in with the thought that scars are a notable accessory and that they will impress people. The men who fought will have the image inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Wilfred Owen s Poem Dulce Et Decorum Est1692 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Welcome back to the Poetry and Society unit of the literature topic. We are moving on from last week’s poetry type, American slam and we are now studying Protest and Resistance poetry. The protest poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, written by Wilfred Owen, challenges the dominant World War One ideologies of militarism and nationalism. You will find that this poem is a great example as it defies the dominant values and beliefs of war in Britain. Wilfred Owen Let’s discuss the poet. WilfredRead MoreThe Heroism Of The Men1328 Words   |  6 Pagesand to remember the bravery of those who fought. On the other, hand Wilfred Owen s poem Dulce et Decorum Est was the opposite, anti-romanticism of war, he too did not want the bravery of the men to be lost forever. Each of the poems praised the heroism of the men, one written in a military cadence, and the other written to emphasize the exhaustion and what by now have become the mundane reality of war and the horrific deaths these men suffered. Lord Alfred Tennyson romanticized the notion of warRead MoreThe Murder Of Mankind By Isaac Rosenberg971 Words   |  4 PagesThe Murder of Mankind War Critic Udari Munasinghe unlocks the ideology of War. â€Å"Two armies that fight each other is like one large army that commits suicide† Patriotism towards one’s home is the lie that resulted in the murder of over 17 million soldiers during World War one. The Great War was said to be the â€Å"the war to end all wars† but instead lead to mass slaughter. Many of us still dignify the war in glory and honour, however, in the eyes of the soldiersRead More The Horrors of War in Wilfred Owens Poem, Dulce et Decorum Est1032 Words   |  5 PagesThe Horrors of War in Wilfred Owens Poem, Dulce et Decorum Est From the earliest records of history, accounts of war have been portrayed as valiant acts of heroism. Children and adults alike have gathered together to hear tales of war and its glory. From the stories of Alexander the Great to recent-day movies like Saving Private Ryan, war has been praised and exalted with words such as bravery, honor, and freedom. However, Wilfred Owens poem Dulce et Decorum Est shows the ugly, horribleRead MoreDulce Et Decorum Est2255 Words   |  10 Pagestranslation of the Latin title is:  «It is sweet and proper ». The completed sentence is as follows:  «It is sweet and proper to die for ones country ». This forms, what the writer refers to as,  «The old Lie ». The poem holds a strong criticism towards the conventional view of war at that written time. I shall now comment briefly on that times traditional ideas of war and heroism. Further on, I shall have a concise look at some information about the author and his context. Then, I would like to put to lightRead MoreDulce Et Decorum Est2249 Words   |  9 Pagestranslation of the Latin title is:  «It is sweet and proper ». The completed sentence is as follows:  «It is sweet and proper to die for ones country ». This forms, what the writer refers to as,  «The old Lie ». The poem holds a strong criticism towards the conventional view of war at that written time. I shall now comment briefly on that times traditional ideas of war and heroism. Further on, I shall have a concise look at some information about the author and his context. Then, I would like to put to lightRead MorePortrayal of War in the Pre 1900 Poetry Essay3056 Words   |  13 PagesPortrayal of War in the Pre 1900 Poetry Before 1900, war was always seen as a glorious thing. People truly believed in the words of the ancient writer Horace, Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori. This phrase can be translated, as It is a lovely and honourable thing; to die for ones country. Pre 1900 war poetry was strongly patriotic and glossed over the grim reality of death, preferring instead to display the heroic aspects of fighting. If death was mentionedRead More Comparison of Dulce et Decorum Est and Charge of the Light Brigade3627 Words   |  15 Pagesand contrast the two poems Dulce et Decorum Est (Owen) with Charge of the Light Brigade (Tennyson), paying particular attention to the writers’ attitude to war. The attitudes of poets towards war have always been expressed vigorously in their poetry, each poet either condoning or condemning war, and mitigating their attitudes in whatever way possible. I aim to explore the change in the portrayal of war before and during the twentieth century, and also the structures and devices poets use Read MoreWho Goes with Fergus11452 Words   |  46 Pagesturn instead to the mysterious order of nature, over which Fergus rules. Analysis This short poem is full of mystery and complexity. It was James Joyces favorite poem, and figures in his famous novel Ulysses, where Stephen Daedalus sings it to his dying mother. On one level, the poem represents Yeats exhortation to the young men and women of his day to give over their political and emotional struggles in exchange for a struggle with the lasting mysteries of nature. He suggests that Fergus was bothRead MoreWalts Whitmans Vision of America in Leaves of Grass17685 Words   |  71 PagesContents†© I. †© Introduction†©Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†©4†© Starting†©point†©Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.†©4†© Short†©biography†©Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†©5†© Historical†©context†©Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†©7†© Thematic†©analysis†©of†©poems†© a. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Basic Structure Corporate Governance

Questions: 1. What is the purpose and objectives of corporate governance, and the principles on which it is based? 2. An explanation of what is meant by rules-based and principles-based approaches to corporate governance, identifying the arguments for each approach? 3. What advantages might the company gain through the appointment of non executive directors? 4. Explain the importance of board committees in corporate governance? 5. An Identification of three of the committees frequently established in organisations and explain their purpose? Answers: Introduction Corporate governance is associated with the means, system and procedures as well as relation through which organization are controlled and directed. Corporate governance enables an organization to find out the basic allocation and responsibilities among the different members of the organization. With the help of the corporate governance, an organization is able to set up the basic aims and objectives of the organization in relation to the social, market and regulatory environment (Hirschey, John and Makhija, 2004). Being an accountant, it is my duty to make my clients aware about the basic structure of corporate governance and its impact on UK business. This will help my clients who are new in the business world to acquire all the required knowledge and thereby carry out their business smoothly and efficiently and gain success in the long run. The basic knowledge which my client should acquire has been discussed in the current report. There are several issues which have arrived due to the improper management of corporate governance. The fall of Enron is the biggest example which showed how the inefficiency of corporate governance can result in the total devastation of the organization. Tesco was also once accused for misrepresentation of the financial report. Thus, it is very significant for any organization- new or old, big or small, to follow the rules and regulation of corporate governance. 1. Purpose, objectives and principles of corporate governance Corporate governance is a basic structure which is used by the companies for the purpose of specifying the particular operations as well as guidelines for their employees. Corporate governance is considered to be framework that will be developed to address the goals and objectives of the organization. The purpose of the corporate in the organization has been discussed broadly (Mallin, 2004): Long term Relationship Corporate governance deals with long term relationship of organization. This involves dealing with checks and balances, extra incentives for the managers and interaction between the managers and investors as well. Corporate governance enables the organization to manage this long term relationship efficiently and effectively so that the organization is able to meet their targeted goal. Transactional Relationship Corporate governance also looks after the transactional relationship which is engaged in dealing with disclosure and authority. With proper control and management with the help corporate governance, the organization is able to carry out their business smoothly (Mallin, 2004). The basic objectives of the corporate governance are: Fair representation and Transparency The main objective of corporate governance is to provide a fair and transparent view of an organization by providing full disclosure of the accounts of the specific company. This implies that the organization should follow all the rules and regulation and provide the correct information to the shareholders and investors. Accountability Corporate governance makes it compulsory for the management of the organization to remain accountable and responsible to the shareholders. The board of directors is responsible for approving the compensation of the independent directors in order to make sure that the structure of the compensation is fair and is able to satisfy the interest of the shareholders (Monks and Minow, 2004). Equal treatment of shareholders Another important objective of shareholders is to make sure that all the shareholders of the company are treated equally and they are provided with the chance to satisfy their needs. Self-evaluation Corporate governance enables the firms to assess and appraise their behavior before being examined by some regulatory body. Strong corporate governance helps an organization to reduce the chances of regulatory risks and fines (Jackson, 2001). The principles of corporate governance which should be considered by a newly formed organization had been discussed here: Rights and equitable treatment of shareholders Interest of other stakeholders Roles and responsibilities of the board Integrity and ethical behavior Disclosure and transparency 2. Rules-based and principles-based approaches to corporate governance Rules based approach to corporate governance creates huge emphasis on achievements instead of considering the basic factors as well as guidelines. Generally, rule based approach to corporate governance is required to be found in legal jurisdiction as well as the culture which create huge emphasis on obeying the letter of the law instead of spirit. The most important fact is that rule based approach often undertake the form of the legislation themselves (Arjoon, 2006). As against this, principle based approach to corporate governance concentrates on the objectives instead of mechanism. The principles based approach to corporate governance put stress on some elements which are not taken into account by the rules based approach. It is important to note that principles based approach is used in UK. Principal based approach to corporate governance is applied in all the fields of legal jurisdiction. In UK, Principles-based approach is used as it enables the directors to report on the appropriate circumstances and is based on all the specific requirements. In this approach, the change procedure is quite easy. This implies that with the changing condition and the desires of the shareholders, the code of practice can be easily updated and improved (Samaduzzaman, 2012). Arguments From the above analysis, it is clear that principle based approach and rule based approach to corporate governance is quite different from each others. There are several arguments associated with these two approaches. A large number of critics consider the principle based approach to be more effective that the rule based approach. Generally, principle based approach to corporate governance is followed in UK. This is because it is considered to provide the best report from the directors as well as it is changeable with the passing of generation. However, there are some disadvantages of the principle based approaches to corporate governance. The most significant arguments against the principle based approach in that it often creates very simple and meaningless statements and thus it becomes invalid in some cases. Another significant argument against the principle based approach is that it becomes quite difficult for the directors to make sure that they have achieved the necessary requi rements or not (Sama and Shoaf, 2005). The subjective element of principle based approach to corporate governance give rise different kinds of interpretation and this leads to confusion. Some of the codes of corporate coherence are not able to be complied as they are based on discretion. Confusion can also arise regarding the compulsory and non-compulsory codes. Rules based approach is generally used in EMAS environmental management system. However, some arguments also exist against the rule based approach to corporate governance. Although rule base based makes it easier to see that the rules are followed or not but it is based on whether the rules and the regulation are accurate or not. The most significant criticism against the rule based approach is that the regulators and the auditors find it quite problematic to deal with the significant questionable circumstances that are not included in the rule book (Skouloudis et al., 2013). 3. Appointment of non-executive directors Corporate Governance ensures that an organization should appoint non-executive directors for carrying out the function more effectively and running the business smoothly. A non -executive director of the company is entrusted with different kinds of responsibilities that help an organization to achieve its objective and thereby become successful in the long run. The advantages of appointing non-executive directors had been illustrated here (Higgs, 2003): 1. The appointments of non-executive directors will help in undertaking constructive challenges and it also enable to develop proposals on different kinds of strategy. 2. Another significant advantage of appointing non-executive director is that it helps in the process of assessing and analyzing the performance of the management and identify whether the organization has been able to meet its desired goals or not. 3. Non-executive directors also enable an organization to satisfy all the aspects of financial information and thereby regulate the risk management system. 4. Appointment of no-executive directors in the organization also provides with the scope of assessing the proper level of remuneration for executive directors in an organization. 5. The most important advantage of appointing non-executive directors is that it enables an organization to appoint as well as to remove executive directors as well it also aids the organization in process of succession planning . 4. Importance of Board Committees in Corporate Governance The business is organized under the supervision of board of directors. The board hand over to the executive officer and through them to other top management, the duties for organizing the business organization. The importance of the board is to look over the management of the business and to supervise the performance of top management (Spira and Bender, 2004). The importances of the board are: 1. To choose individuals for the membership of board and assess the activities of the board, and individual directors so that the business can be carried out in an efficient and systematic way. 2. To choose the senior management of the business according to their abilities through recruitment process. 3. To observe the activities of the top management of the company so that he may able to know how the senior management of the company is working. 4. To compensate the senior management of the company so that they can be motivated to do their work more efficiently. 5. The importance of board to ensure that the planning of management succession is appropriate. 6. To review and support the important commercial activities is also the importance of board of the company (Use board committees properly, 2015). 7. To review and observe the achievement of managements strategic plans as the business is carried out on the basis of strategic plans. 8. To review and support the annual operating plans and budget of the company so that the management of the company can work according to the operating plans of the company. 9. To observe the corporate activities and assess the outcome as compared to the strategic plans and other goals of the business. 10. To review the financial control of the company along with the reporting systems. 11. To observe the relationship between the shareholders, employees and the areas in which the business works. 12. To review companys moral standards and legal observance programs and processes (Use board committees properly, 2015). Importance of the Chairman The chairman guides the board; it also sets its agenda and assures that it is an efficient working team at the top of the business. He also encourages a culture of openness and is liable for efficient interaction with the stakeholders. He must also assure that board of directors should receive adequate and appropriate details (Waluszewski and Snehota, 2015). Importance of Non- Executive director The importances of non-executive director are as follows: 1. Non-executive director can help in improving proposals on strategy 2. He also analyses the performance of management in achieving the aims and objectives and observing the performance reports. 3. He ascertains the adequate levels of payment to the executive directors. 4. He has the power to appoint and remove the executive directors of the company (Waluszewski and Snehota, 2015). 5. He has the authority of sequence planning. 5. Three committees in an organization The three committees in organizations are the Audit Committee, the Personnel committee and the Nomination committee. The members of these committees are independent directors who are elected among the board of directors of the company. The members of the committee are elected by the independent members of the board on the suggestion of the corporate governance according to the qualification of the members (Folayan et al., 2012). The purpose of Audit Committee The Audit Committee is created by the board for the purpose of managing the accounting and financial reporting procedures of the business and audits of the financial statement of the business. The committee is liable for supporting the Boards error of the quality and integrity of the financial statement of the company. The committee is also liable for supporting the Boards error of the statutory audit of the financial statement of the company. The purpose of Personnel Committee The personnel committee involves at least three members of the board who satisfy all the related needs as fixed by Finnish Law and the rules of the stock exchanges where the companys shares are listed. The purpose of this committee is to direct the personnel based policies and practices at company. It supports the board in releasing its duties based on all compensation which includes equity compensation of the firms executives and their terms of employment (Folayan et al., 2012). The purpose of Nomination Committee Nomination committee includes three to five members of the board who satisfy all needs as instructed by Finnish Law and the rules of the stock market. The purpose of Nomination Committee is to make the proposals for the general meetings based on the work of the board and the director payment to be permitted by the stakeholders. Another purpose of this committee is to observe problems and practices based on corporate governance and to suggest essential actions. It also suggests the stakeholders the director nominees for selection at the Annual General Meeting along with the director payment (Folayan et al., 2012). Conclusion The complete details of the Corporate Governance of UK will surely help my client to understand all the facts related to it. This knowledge will be very helpful for him as it will help him to open his new business efficiently and effectively. References Arjoon, S. (2006). Striking a Balance Between Rules and Principles-based Approaches for Effective Governance: A Risks-based Approach. J Bus Ethics, 68(1), pp.53-82. Folayan, M., Adaranijo, A., Durueke, F., Ajuwon, A., Adejumo, A., Ezechi, O., Oyedeji, K. and Akanni, O. (2012). Impact of Three Years Training on Operations Capacities of Research Ethics Committees in Nigeria. Developing World Bioethics, 14(1), pp.1-14. Higgs, D. (2003). Review of the role and effectiveness of non-executive directors. London: The Stationery Office. Hirschey, M., John, K. and Makhija, A. (2004). Corporate governance. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI. Jackson, A. (2001). Towards a "Mutual Understanding of Objectives"? Attitudes of institutional investors and listed companies to corporate governance reform. Corporate Governance, 9(3), pp.196-205. Mallin, C. (2004). Corporate governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Monks, R. and Minow, N. (2004). Corporate governance. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub. Sama, L. and Shoaf, V. (2005). Reconciling Rules and Principles: An Ethics-Based Approach to Corporate Governance. J Bus Ethics, 58(1-3), pp.177-185. Samaduzzaman, M. (2012). The Importance of Both Rules Based Approach and Principles Based Approaches to Eradicate Threats from Accounting and Auditing Profession. AJBMR, 2(4), pp.1-8. Skouloudis, A., Jones, K., Sfakianaki, E., Lazoudi, E. and Evangelinos, K. (2013). EMAS statement: Benign accountability or wishful thinking? Insights from the Greek EMAS registry. Journal of Environmental Management, 128, pp.1043-1049. Spira, L. and Bender, R. (2004). Compare and Contrast: perspectives on board committees. Corporate Governance, 12(4), pp.489-499. Use board committees properly. (2015). Board Administrator for Administrators Only, 31(8), pp.3-3. Waluszewski, A. and Snehota, I. (2015). Editorial. IMP Journal, 9(1).

Monday, December 2, 2019

What Brought Our Ancestors To America Essay Example For Students

What Brought Our Ancestors To America? Essay What was the dream that brought our ancestors toAmerica? It was rebirth, the craving for men to be bornagain, the yearning for a second chance. With all of theseideas comes the true American dream-Freedom. This is thecondition in which a man feels like a human being. It is thepurpose and consequence of rebirth. Throughout the life ofLangston Hughes he presented ideas in his writings thathelp to define his perception of the American dream.Inbeginning, Langston Hughes was born on February 1,1902 in Joplin, Missouri. His father was James NathanielHughes, a man who studied law but was unable to take theexamination for the bar because he was black. His motherwas Carrie Hughes, a woman who studied at the Universityof Kansas in an ongoing struggle to earn a living outside ofdomestic labor. Langstons father left home to live in Cubaand then Mexico to free himself from the Jim Crow lawsand Segregation. Hughes then went to live with hisgrandmother in Lawrence, Kansas until he was thirteen. His grandmother, Mary Sampson Patterson Leary Langston,was very prominent in the African American community ofLawrence. Her first husband was killed at Harpers Ferrywhile fighting with John Brown; her second husband,Hughes grandfather, was a prominent politician in Kansasduring the Reconstruction. During the time that he lived withhis grandmother, however, she was old and poor resultingin little to eat and forcing them to rent out part of their smallhouse. Unable to give Langston the attention he neededand his feelings of hurt and rejection by both his mother andfather caused him to grow up very insecure and unsure ofhimself. In the second grade Langston was introduced tobooks and soon became fascinated with them and found itas an escape from his world into the wonderful world insideof them. At the age of thirteen Hughes went to live with hismother in Lincoln, Illinois and then Cleveland, Ohio wherehe went to high school. It was in Lincoln that Hughes wrotehis first poem after being ele cted class poet by his fellowclassmates. Hughes, the only black at his school, said thatthe only reason that he was elected was that his peers feltthat he must have a good sense of rhythm because of thecolor of his skin. This position of class poet sparkedHughes love for poetry and was the start of his life as apoet. Hughes soon began to write poetry quite frequentlyand he kept it all in a journal secret from other people. We will write a custom essay on What Brought Our Ancestors To America? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Langston Hughes is most famous for his poetry yet he alsohad a number of different careers throughout his lifetime. He was an author, poet, playwright, song lyricist, andlecturer starting in 1921. In the years of 1920-1921 he wasan English teacher in Mexico. In the years of 1949-1950Hughes can be credited with founding community theatresin major cities across the United States such as Harlem,Los Angeles, and Chicago. In following, what is theAmerican Dream? When asked, this question wouldreceive a variety of responses, yet the main response wouldprobably be freedom. The denotative meaning of theAmerican dream is given in the Random House Dictionary:1.The ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunitytraditionally held to be available to every American. 2. Alife of personal happiness and material comfort astraditionally sought by individuals in the U.S.(66) ManyAmericans persist in believing that America is the greatestcountry in the world and that man is basically good and canbe better and has the opportunity to fulfill his productivecapabilities. The belief that America should offer equalopportunit y to all men is a fundamental part of theAmerican dream.(Werner XI) History

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Idle Hands

Idle Hands? In Sherwood Anderson’s â€Å"Hands,† the character of Wing Biddlebaum subconsciously expresses the emotions he is feeling through the actions of his hands. He is a very sheepish and timid character. Anderson feels that â€Å"the story is a story of hands,† which play an enormous role in Wing’s life (217). Nervous and â€Å"fiddling about† swiftly, Wing’s hands also demonstrate confidence through firm and assured movements. He rarely uses these solid motions, but when he does, it is when he is with his only friend George Willard. Wing seems to become disdainful toward his hands when later they seem to always find him trouble. Throughout Wing’s life, he is faced with many problems that his hands cause him to overcome. Wing’s hands are what place him in his state of solitude. Being a school teacher, Wing touches the shoulders of the young boys and plays with their hair, yet Wing means no harm. He loses his job as a school master and almost loses his life, all because he uses his hands to comfort the young boys. He has altered his lifestyle to avoid everyday problems, concerning his hands. He does not know why he resents his hands, but he knows that his hands are to blame for his everyday predicaments. Wing lets his hands control almost every aspect of his life. In the past, Wing’s hands have caused him to lose his job and his pride. In order to regain a strong sense of self and live a normal life, Wing must overcome the past. Society shuns him and he wonders everyday what he has done to deserve this mistreatment. He tries things as futile as changing his name, yet he cannot seem to satisfy his need to be content. Wing presently lives in constant dismay, desperately trying to realize or remember what his hands did to force him to live in such misery and solitude. In this certain time, it is rare that a man holds the position of an elementary school teacher. This shows that Wing is a caring and ... Free Essays on Idle Hands Free Essays on Idle Hands Idle Hands? In Sherwood Anderson’s â€Å"Hands,† the character of Wing Biddlebaum subconsciously expresses the emotions he is feeling through the actions of his hands. He is a very sheepish and timid character. Anderson feels that â€Å"the story is a story of hands,† which play an enormous role in Wing’s life (217). Nervous and â€Å"fiddling about† swiftly, Wing’s hands also demonstrate confidence through firm and assured movements. He rarely uses these solid motions, but when he does, it is when he is with his only friend George Willard. Wing seems to become disdainful toward his hands when later they seem to always find him trouble. Throughout Wing’s life, he is faced with many problems that his hands cause him to overcome. Wing’s hands are what place him in his state of solitude. Being a school teacher, Wing touches the shoulders of the young boys and plays with their hair, yet Wing means no harm. He loses his job as a school master and almost loses his life, all because he uses his hands to comfort the young boys. He has altered his lifestyle to avoid everyday problems, concerning his hands. He does not know why he resents his hands, but he knows that his hands are to blame for his everyday predicaments. Wing lets his hands control almost every aspect of his life. In the past, Wing’s hands have caused him to lose his job and his pride. In order to regain a strong sense of self and live a normal life, Wing must overcome the past. Society shuns him and he wonders everyday what he has done to deserve this mistreatment. He tries things as futile as changing his name, yet he cannot seem to satisfy his need to be content. Wing presently lives in constant dismay, desperately trying to realize or remember what his hands did to force him to live in such misery and solitude. In this certain time, it is rare that a man holds the position of an elementary school teacher. This shows that Wing is a caring and ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Truth About Social Media Auto-Publishing And Your Brand

The Truth About Social Media Auto-Publishing And Your Brand Lets face it: There is a right and a wrong way to pre-publish social media content. As you scale your content marketing, one of your goals is to get your content  into the hands of your audience. But it can be tough with limited resources. Social media is a lot of work. Thats why brands use third-party apps to manage  their social media content. It runs in two directions: publishing out and conversations in. Its 24/7. Using a third-party app allows you to schedule content to automatically publish at a specific time so that some of that load is shifted to when you are most able to handle it. The Truth About Social Media Auto-Publishing And Your BrandYet the very idea of social media being social seems to belie the idea of using automation. After all, its supposed to be social. But you can use tools to schedule and pre-publish your social media content in a way that is effective. And appropriately  social. 3 Approaches To Pre-Publishing Your Social Media Content For our discussion today, pre-publishing is any social media content that you didnt publish the moment before it went live. A planned, human approach for scheduling your social media posts ahead of time is the best and only acceptable option. Pre-publishing social media content  is usually done with a third-party tool instead of on the network itself. But some social networks, like Facebook, do allow you to schedule your content ahead of time on their network without needing a third-party tool. Pre-publishing can be done in two ways: Human planning. Based on a carefully planned and executed schedule, controlled and created by a human being, the only thing that is automated is the actual publishing of the content. Non-human algorithms for auto-publishing.  Completely automatic with publishing schedule and dates determined by  the tool being used. Very little, if any, planning is used to determine when, what, and why content is published. Scheduling or pre-publishing content is not the same as auto-generating or auto-publishing content (which we will briefly touch on later). When it comes to scheduling or pre-scheduling, you can use your own content or the content of others, to some degree of success. Auto-publishing is often associated with automatically generated content that is often a big no-no. With all of this in mind, there are three approaches to pre-publishing social media content. 1. Pre-publish your own social media content. You must share your content more than once  if you want to get the results your content  deserves. And, unless youre going to wake up each day with a plan to systematically publish old blog posts throughout the day, youll very likely turn to pre-publishing your social media content. Share your content more than once to get the results your content deserves.Pre-publishing your own content to social media is perfectly fine, as long as you have a plan for scheduling that content. You can  plan to share your content more than once across various social networks. By using a planned pre-publishing technique for our social media content, you can  increase both social shares and traffic to your content. Pre-publishing your own social media content  based on a solid plan is the best way to make sure you actually keep sharing your existing  content. If you rely on yourself to remember to publish content to social media, good luck. Solo bloggers, especially, know how hard it is to keep up with a robust social publishing plan without the help of tools that automate your overall plan. Are tweet old post auto-publish solutions a good idea? There are times when pre-publishing your own social media content doesnt work. Thats when its done without a plan- auto-publishing with robots. For example, there are WordPress plugins that automatically tweet out your old blog posts. Ive used them myself. It takes a while to figure out the best automated settings and, for my lucky Twitter fans, I got it wrong for about a week. They got an unfortunate heavy dose of random posts- an onslaught, if were being honest- before I realized it. But I figured tweaking the settings ought to fix it. After all, I wanted to share my existing  content,  and auto-publishing  seemed like the easiest method with the least amount of effort necessary. The thing was, some of my old content wasnt really worth sharing again. But an automated old-post tweet system doesnt know if its auto-tweeting gold or a real stinker. An automated old-post tweet system doesnt know if its auto-tweeting gold or a real stinker.And a Twitter feed that also publishes to your Facebook feed means youll have a Facebook feed full of title-only posts that arent made for the Facebook network. Automating a sharing schedule requires controls to be successful. To share old posts, you need a pre-publishing system that has serious controls. You need controls to: Specify how often Determine which categories of content are shareable  (latest news categories are completely irrelevant a week later) Plan date ranges Customize the content for individual social networks Without those controls, youre  merely auto-publishing  your own spam to your followers. 2. Pre-publish curated content. Pre-publishing curated content is an ideal fit. But first, let me sell you on content curation. Im a big believer in content curation. There is a ginormous, cyclopean, behemoth, mammoth, whale-sized amount of content pumped out  every day. Helping your audience find the good stuff is part of your job. Curating that good content means having a system and the tools to sift through and find that good stuff thats out there. Then you can share that on your social media. Content curation  is an art, though. Theres even a Curators Code on how to do it right. Manifestos have been written about the importance of the content curator. So this is a big deal. Its not enough to churn out massive amounts of content related to your niche. The goal isnt to publish 1,000 tweets a day and get unfollowed by people tired of seeing their news feeds full of mindless publishing. When it comes to curated content, what you share has to be good, useful, and unique. Your goal is always to give your audience the best. And that means you have to go through a lot of content, both good and bad, to find that best. Sharing low-grade content turns off your audience entirely, even if you mix it with your great content. Why bother with pre-publishing curated content on social media? Curation works its artful wonders in three ways: Not a self-centered jerk. Sharing others content assures people youre not just a personal PR machine, interested in yourself and your brand only. Expanding your own network. When you share content you find on your social networks, the creators of the content will notice and engage with you. Boom. Bigger network. You are helpful. Sharing other content sends  a message that youre not always on the hard-sell, that you actually want to help your followers  save time and find good content. A reputation for being helpful is good. People refer other people to you. Content  curation and pre-publishing are a good fit because finding that great content can be extremely time-consuming. The idea that you have to repeat the process throughout the day to avoid publishing all at once is unpleasant. With pre-publishing- whether youve built a collection of reliable feeds in your RSS reader that you read each morning, or are turning to an app like Swayy- finding content doesnt have to suck up all the time in the day. Content curation tools like Swayy help you find relevant content and share it with your network. You can do it once and set the publishing to drip out over time. Pre-publishing tools help  you stop multitasking and set aside a chunk of time to find and create content that youll publish. Buffer is a popular app for content curation because it allows you to build a queue of found content that drips out over time. You can fill up your queue in the morning and youre set for the day. Use Buffer to build a queue of curated content you can drip out over time. Any tool or  system that saves time  while helping  you to share great content is a good fit for pre-publishing. 3. Auto-publish auto-generated content. Some folks dont like the idea of any form of pre-publishing, even if it has been created and planned by a human. Fair enough, though I disagree. However, allowing automaton to completely find, curate, generate, and publish is a step too far. When you start mixing auto-generated publishing with auto-publishing, youre bordering on being a Grade A spammer. This seems harsh, but hear me out. A social media feed is to feed, not poison.  You should never add to the content noise. As a content marketer, youre trying to cut through  the noise for your audience. Taking yourself out of the publishing equation entirely is the wrong approach. A social media feed is to feed, not poison.  You should never add to the content noise.What not to do with auto-publishing social media content Lets use as an example of auto-generated and auto-published content. is one of many apps that finds, publishes, and promotes engaging content from across the web. Youve likely seen them in your Twitter feed. They say something like The Content Marketer Daily is out! followed by several Twitter usernames and a link. aggregates content based on user settings. There are some unhappy followers out there that dont like seeing the tweets, dont think they have value, or are upset when content is attributed incorrectly. In my run-in with, a health insurance brand included my content because I mentioned them in a tweet but unfortunately, I mentioned them unfavorably. Oops. They just promoted negative content about themselves because of automation. (and other truly automated sans-human systems) do the best they can, but they cannot filter perfectly, understand context, or really know what is good content. As I said in my blog post about assumes that making it easy to aggregate is a good idea, but the ease of setting up a account means people do it carelessly. They add to the content noise instead of lessen it. - @JulieNeidlinger Social media is about being social, i.e. interaction between humans. Completely using automated methods to find, curate, assemble, and publish is interaction between a human and a machine. Its not social at all. My question for anyone relying heavily on both auto-generated and auto-published social media content is: What is your goal with social media? To keep your feeds full, or to actually build an audience? Do you use Has it been successful for you? What are your thoughts about similar automated systems? 5 Keys To A Successful Social Media Pre-Publishing Plan Weve all seen (and probably participated in) bad social media automation. Bad auto-generated and auto-published social media content follows the spray and pray method, in which you send out as much social content as possible, and pray something takes root. This is a complete waste of your time, your money, and super abusive of your audience. Smart social media pre-publishing always starts with you, the human, in the planning and creating. It only relies on automation when it comes down to scheduling publishing times. Your social media publishing plan- and the tools you use- needs to be able to do a few things: 1. Publish in the moment. This must be part of your plan, and the tools you use need to allow for it. Breaking news, important updates, event, or theme changes, reactions to conversations- these are all reasons when you need to be able to use social media in the moment. 2. Share your content- and others content. You must be able to easily share your own content as well as the curated content youve found. 3. Easily pull or reschedule scheduled content. There are times when you want to be able to look at the content for the day and stop it from publishing. National disasters or other events that might make your otherwise benign content inappropriate make it super important that you can easily cancel, postpone, or reword scheduled content. Blogger Matt Heindl outlines what he considers the best approach to take for  scheduled tweets when a disaster or tragedy strikes: Pause all outgoing posts on all platforms immediately. Pause the use of any auto-Tweet tools so no scheduled or auto-optimized Tweets are delivered until review. Pause all Twitter and Facebook paid media. This will help you  avoid any sponsored stories or Tweets to appear next to news of the events or simply crowded consumers’ feeds during times of panic or mourning. After youve done that, Heindl recommends that you: Pause all scheduled outgoing posts to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for a reasonable time. 12–24 hours at minimum. Reschedule anything that could be remotely controversial or emotionally specific to the issue at hand. Scan the next week’s social posts on all  platforms for content containing any potential puns, associations with the event or other potential ways your marketing could be associated with capitalizing or making light of the events. Your social media pre-publishing tool should let you easily see the messages going out on a specific  day so you can halt, review, and reschedule if needed. 4. Customize messages for different networks. Imagine that you send the same social message out to all networks, at the same time. How delightful for your audience that follows you on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to see the exact same update at the same moment. That really makes an audience feel special and loved. #sarcasm Its a good idea to not blast all your networks at the same time. But definitely do not do that with the same content.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Language in literature Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Language in literature - Research Paper Example Behavior, which is also a language, will provide clues to ‘breeding’, something that despite its insinuation is actually a learned set of behaviors based upon structures of social learning defined by the classes in which one has been born. Higgins rightly proposes that any person can learn to behave and speak in a manner that will insinuate social class. Through his ‘creation’ that is formed from educating the flower girl, he designs an experiment in which to study his theories about social class. The initial interaction that takes place between Higgins, Pickering, and the Flower Girl, in concern with learning to speak with a more sophisticated nature, takes place through the initiated advance of the girl. She wishes to be able to speak in a manner that is more genteel, her ambitions along those lines intending to get her a job in a flower shop. Therefore, the whole of the play is dependent upon the distinctions of social class and the perceptions of such in regard to personal success. Furthermore, a discussion of the value of a human being in regard to social life is explored during this first meeting. Higgins treats the girl as if she has no will nor say in how she will be treated nor how she can structure her immediate life. He instructs her when to sit, that her clothes will be burned, and that Mrs. Pierce will ’clean her up’, suggesting that she no longer has the right to her own sense of existence. He is clear that her current social class does not afford her the luxury of courtesy (Shaw). It is the language that he uses towards her that places her in this predicament. His authoritative and dismissive tone places her in a dilemma whereby she either gets what she needs out of the arrangement, or defies him and gets nothing. As much as a social contract is put into place, it is not created on equal terms. Her lack of social grace makes her appear to be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

99 Cent V. Lancaster Redevelopment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

99 Cent V. Lancaster Redevelopment - Coursework Example The loss of Costco would result in the loss of over $400,000 generated from sales tax each year. The 99 Cent Only store only generated about $40,000. Lancaster tried to use the power of eminent domain to obtain the property of the 99 Cent Only store but was sued - and lost.Similar to the decision of the Supreme Court, I would have ruled in favor of 99 Cent Only Stores. While laws would have allowed Lancaster Redevelopment Agency to remove and redevelop a slummy, blighted area, the 99 Cent Only Store was not found to be blighted. "Under Health & Safety Code 33030, a blighted area is one which is 80% urbanized, and a physical and economical liability which cannot be reversed or alleviated without redevelopment." (Fergusson, 2005). The Fifth Amendment protects property owners from having their property taken by the government unless it is for public use. It seems to me that if Lancaster seized the property from 99 Cent Only Stores, it would be for Costco's use (so it could expand) and f or Lancaster's own use (so it could obtain greater revenue from sales tax).However, if brought to court today, after the decision made by the Supreme Court in 2005 regarding the case of Kelo v. City of New London, the result of the 99 Cent Only case would quite likely be different.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Power of Truth Essay Example for Free

The Power of Truth Essay Novelist Tim O’Brian once said â€Å"A lie, sometimes, can be truer than the truth, which is why fiction gets written. † In his novel The Things They Carried, O’Brian argues that â€Å"story-truth is sometimes truer than happening-truth† (171). O’Brian opposes the idea of absolute truth, and believes that all truths are subject to change. He believes that a fictional story can be more true than an actual event. However, a story, no matter what story, cannot be more true than an actual event; a â€Å"story version† of an event is merely a shadow of that event—a make-up-caked, dramatized, Hollywood shadow. It is impossible for â€Å"story-truth† to be truer than â€Å"happening-truth. † In The Things They Carried O’Brian creates a daughter, Kathleen, for the fictional version of himself. O’Brian, however, does not have a daughter in real life. While it may be a â€Å"story-truth† that Tim O’Brian had a daughter, it will never be a â€Å"happening-truth. † A made-up daughter will never be more real than O’Brian’s actual son. In the novel, O’Brian â€Å"return[s] with [his] daughter to Vietnam† where he buries a belonging of a fellow soldier (173). This story can never be more true than an actual event solely because of the involvement of a fictional character. A man can tell a story about his last trip to the grocery store, and most people would count it as true. However, if the man told a story about going to the grocery store with a magic genie, it would be assumed that he is lying, even if every other facet of his story was believable. This is no different than O’Brian weaving a fictional character in to his novel. The â€Å"story-truth† of Kathleen can never be more true than â€Å"happening-truth. † Furthermore, in a crime investigation, it is illegal to interfere with evidence involved with a case. Any disruption or corruption of evidence is termed â€Å"falsifying evidence. † This is a serious offence because it could seriously disturb the process of solving a crime. Devoid of sound evidence, it is difficult to determine how a crime was committed. Evidence is an example of â€Å"happening-truth;† it conveys without any bias, exactly what happened at the scene of a crime, or at the events leading up to a crime. Investigators cannot solve a crime based solely off of â€Å"story-truth,† such as the testimonies of witnesses, because of the numerous individual accounts of a crime which are subject to dishonesty, human error, and prejudice. Therefore, investigators rely on â€Å"happening-truth† because it is trustworthy, whereas â€Å"story-truth† is inconsistent. Moreover, the popular film The Titanic is bursting with examples of â€Å"happening-truth† and â€Å"story-truth. † Director, James Cameron, designed many of these â€Å"story-truths† to provide an increased dramatic tone in the film. He created a grand staircase on the ship while in reality this staircase was so small passengers had to go up and down single file. A Pablo Picasso painting is featured in the film, although Picasso was not popular during the time of the Titanic, and his work was not widely distributed. The diamond necklace in the film, titled â€Å"The Heart of the Ocean,† never existed, much like the love story between invented passengers Rose Bukater and James Dawson. These creations served Cameron’s purpose to paint a theatrical telling of the event, but the movie was just that—theatrical. Although these â€Å"story-truths† indicate the sinking of the Titanic was a romantic event, it is the â€Å"happening-truths† that send chills through the viewers’ astonished bodies. The most powerful aspect of the film The Titanic is not the love story. It is not the grand staircase, or the luxurious dining room. It is not the interaction between characters, or the extravagant â€Å"Heart of the Ocean. † The most powerful aspect of The Titanic is that it actually happened. At the end of the film, there were 1,502 dead bodies sinking and in the freezing salt water of the Atlantic. No â€Å"story-truth,† no matter how elaborate, could create a greater tragedy than a â€Å"happening-truth. † Why not? Since â€Å"story-truths† are not as true as â€Å"happening-truths. † Therefore, the notion that a story could ring truer than an actual event is in the wrong. A lie cannot reveal a deeper truth; only truth can uncover truth. Stories provide an escape for the imagination. They allow the reader to imagine a different reality and to glimpse into an alternate world. However, stories are only stories. They are not real. The only way the reader can understand a true reality is to read a true account of that reality. Although this account may be less dramatic than the â€Å"story version† of the reality, it is in fact the reality. It is the truest truth; the â€Å"happening-truth. † Works Cited OBrien, Tim. The Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990. Print. Tim OBrien Quotes. Tim OBrien Quotes (Author of The Things They Carried). N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. . Titanic Facts vs. Titanic Fiction. HubPages. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. . The Titanic Gazette: R. M. S. TITANIC vs. Titanic Movie. The Titanic Gazette: R. M. S. TITANIC vs. Titanic Movie. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Rescuing Communication via Surprise and Delight Essay -- Communication

Though ironically praised for its power in being able to bring people together, technology is inevitably ruining the art of raw human interaction. Many services that once required face-to-face communication have been replaced by the workings of a sort of technological machine. The in-store shopping experience is now possible on the internet. Virtual classrooms make it possible for people to learn at home in front of their computer outside of a school setting. Just the simple concept of face-to-face communication has had many tool replacements, such as phone, text message, instant message, and e-mail. Because human services are being replaced by technology, human relationships and interaction are being hugely impacted. Design is a unique ‘service’ often striving to solve problems relating to communication. The solutions to these problems generally depend on both technology and human interaction. In this world with technology rapidly growing and human interaction rapidly declining, designers hold a responsibility and exciting opportunity to change the way people interact with each other. When technology as a means of communication was first introduced there was a definite sense of surprise and delight due to the evident mystery and whimsy. Instant messenger, e-mail, and even text messaging are understood concepts, quotidian, and boring. The passà © notion of the hand written letter became defunct with the introduction of e-mail. Now, with e-mail being normal and expected, receiving a hand written letter in the mail is exciting and delightful. Similarly, the anonymous presence behind a screen is no longer exciting, but rather cold and sad on a psychological level. Selected works by Christine Hill, Keetra Dean Dixon, and Local Proj... ...s Du Rà ©el, 2002. Print. Designing Minds. Perf. Keetra Dean Dixon. ADC YOUNG GUN. Adobe, 28 Jan. 2009. Web. 15 Dec. 2011. . Episode 320: Christine Hill. Bad at Sports. Web. 15 Dec. 2011. . "From K to J - Photobooth - About the Booth." Keetra Dean Dixon & JK Keller Shop — Home. Web. 17 Dec. 2011. . Hill, Christine. Inventory: the Work of Christine Hill and Volksboutique. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2002. Print. Local Projects. Web. 17 Dec. 2011. . Projects, Choosing Local. "Local Projects." Print Magazine. Web. 17 Dec. 2011. . Volksboutique. Christine Hill. Web. .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How Islam responds to issues about Equality Essay

Introduction Throughout this project, the intention of the information is to answer the question: How does the religion of Islam respond to issues on equality? All through this Booklet, I have kept in mind to focus on the ideas of Islamic equality and what this means to a Muslim, in the Islamic definition. In Islam a definition of equality means evenness, uniformity, impartiality, parity etc. Therefore, if applied to Islam in liaison to the now modern everyday life this would involve issues such as * Racism * Sexism * Forgiveness * Religious attitude Which are the subjects I will be talking about and looking over at the Islamic perspective on these topics of concern. To portray the view Islam has over these issues I will be using: * The genuine teachings from the word of our God `Allah` himself, doing this through the Qur’an. * Referring to important hadiths (lessons) and quotes from the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) * The message given out today by the most knowledgeable top scholars. These should give a clear message of what, the view on these issues used to be like, how they have progressed and possibly altered over the years, the differences on these matters from today in contrast to when the religion began, and how it is today, right now in Muslim houses and nations across the world. Racism Constantly throughout the world today and especially in the history of humans since the beginning of civilisation. There has a been a power struggle between those trying to gain power and have authority over others whether it is because of their skin colour, lineage, education, origin or physical disabilities. Islam has extinguished the discrimination which subsisted in the land of Arabia, the roots of the religion and the main reason it was created was to give equality among men and women of all races. It punished those who lowered women to the level of slaves and transferable goods. It also punished those who took advantage of their privileges. Being the 1st kind of religion to truly do this won the hearts of nations and the admiration and respect of its enemies. In the Qur’an Allah even shames those who cannot understand the purpose of the variation in skin, colour and language. `And among those His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours; verily in that are Signs for those with sound knowledge` In some societies those who are poor and live a life in poverty are considered lower class, with less intelligence and the worst company. But it is these people who the prophet of Allah was asked to seek for their company. At this the idol worshippers (Quraish) began to make mockery of how the majority of the people following Islam were poor, lower class people. Allah then sends down this verse to the prophet: `And keep yourself (O Mohammed) patiently with those who call their Lord morning and afternoon, seeking his face, and let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp and glitter of life of the world; and obey not him whose heart we have made heedless of our remembrance, one who follows his own lusts nd whose affair (deeds) have been lost` The verse meant that a new society would be built with no racism and equality at its base such as justice and equal opportunity. No one is Islam should ever be judged by his skin, colour or any part of his physical appearance or origin whatsoever. Also no man should be bale to judge another only Allah is the judge. `Allah does not look at your appearance, or wealth, rather he looks at you hearts and deeds. ` Sexism It is disputed by some non-Muslims that in Islam, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the image of women is one of sexism and lower class and it is quite clear that Islam has become very male dominant and women are shown to be inferior and of less-importance. Or possibly as Muslims are allowed to have more than one wife it’s thought they are mis-treated. In fact, this is not how Islam has placed the role of women. In Islam there are very precise guidelines relating to the equality of men and women. They are both looked upon as being equal in soul and in mind and in religious responsibilities. Of course, they are not looked upon as the same but merely different. The importance of the mother has the same importance of the father. Although they play a different role. But one cannot say that one is inferior to the other. As regards the care of children, the mother cares for a child a lot more than the father does and this sort of motherly love is held in the highest regard in Islam. The father is expected to supply the family with care, food and money and can only have more than 1 wife under the condition that he has the wealth to pay for them. The Prophet Mohammed one day was questioned by a follower whom should he treat with more affection, he asked the prophet 4 times one after the other who are the most important. The prophet answered; ` Your mother, ` then `Your mother, ` then `Your mother, ` at the forth time `Your father,` he went onto say `Paradise lies at the feet of your mother.` Such is the treatment and respect given to women in Islam, from my own personal experience when I am in Jordan and I am with my grandmother; everywhere she goes, people call her grandma/mother and treat her with the utmost respect and courtesy. When anyone comes to visit, they immediately enter the room and kiss her hand three times, such is the respect men in Islam have towards women. Violence against women is extremely wrong and is not allowed. A women’s honour is held in high regard and no verbal or physical abuse is permitted at all, to the extend where our prophet said; `Those whom so ever beat their wives, in the eyes of Allah are no Muslim` Any crime against women especially rape etc. is treated very seriously and in the Islamic Shari’ah court the punishment for such a crime is severe. During the month of Ramadan, women are given leave from having to fast, if their menstruation cycle is kicking in, this also applies to their praying. Men whoever always have to fast unless they are ill and are incapable. However women do still have to pray, have to perform Hajj, they must render Zakat; all Muslims must perform these duties; there are no differences between them, and both shall be held accountable by God in the life of the here and after. `Whoever does deeds of righteousness, be they male or female, and have faith, they will enter paradise and not the least injustice will be done to them` Attitudes towards other Religions Muslims have a very open view to other religions, and they are the only religion that have kept strict to the instruction of their holy book. Muslims are given a duty to lead other people into their faith, and making people revert (Every human is born Muslim) back to Islam is very important and held in high regard, so much so that in one of the hadiths (lessons from the prophet) he says; `One who changes the faith of another towards Islam and helps him unto the righteous path, will be rewarded in heaven most greatly` Allah also said `Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and the Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, We are Christian`: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world and they are not arrogant.` Islam also teaches that all people have the natural instinct to be Muslims- the term for this in Arabic (as mentioned before) is `fitrah`. People may be born into another religion, but this is due to the way they are brought up and the will of Allah, as he tests your strength and willpower (a.k.a as one’s `iman` in Arabic) If someone does convert back to Islam, they are reverting back to the religion into which they were born as. Allah also rewards those who turn back to Islam tremendously. Also to try and avoid any kind of conflict between Islam and those who follower other faiths, Allah did send down a message to Mohammed, clearly showing there is no wilful approach to any other religion for trouble or arguments. `Follow your path, let me follow mine and there shall be no conflict between us` Islam does not bring out clashes with other religions but only wishes for there to be peace. From the above quote it clearly states, the Muslim intention not to have any fight/conflict with those of any other religion. However should any Muslim be attacked by one of another religion they are permitted to fight back and to stand up for themselves as long as they are in the right. Forgiveness/Reconciliation Allah has granted human beings with intelligence, this intelligence demands responsibility. Therefore, the more intelligent a person is the more he/she is responsible. When the intelligence is missing, the responsibility is neither there. This also means that little children are not held responsible for their actions or words, because their intelligence has not developed. The insane are not responsible, because they have lost the rational capacity. However, part of us being Human, is also that we make mistakes, nobody’s perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes without thought and intention. But sometime we knowingly and deliberately commit sins and do wrong to others. It is said that `To err is human and to forgive is divine`. Both parts of this statement are very true. As human beings we are responsible, but we do also make mistakes and we are constantly in need of forgiveness. Two Types of forgiveness: * Forgiveness from Allah * Forgiveness from other people Both are important as we do wrong to both our God and towards other people. Allah’s Forgiveness Allah is the most forgiving, of all. There is a hadith recited by the prophet that talks about the mercy of Allah. `Allah has written down the good deeds and the bad ones. Then he explained it {by saying that} he who has intended a good deed and has not done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as a full good deed, but if he has intended and has done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as from ten good deeds to seven hundred times, or many times over. But if he has intended a bad deed and has not done it, Allah writes it down as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, Allah writes it down as one bad deed.` There are many names given to Allah in the Qur’an, some of these names are related to His mercy and forgiveness. Here are some of them, with their meanings. Al-Ghafoor: The most forgiving. This name appears in the Qur’an more than seventy times. There are other names from the same root, such as Ghafir and Ghaffar. The meaning of the `ghafara` is to cover, to hide and from it comes the meaning `to excuse`, `to pardon`, `to remit` and `to forgive`. Allah does all these things. In the Qur’an it is mentioned that Allah does not forgive however without `Shirk` repentance but he may forgive every other sin for whomsoever he wills. Al-Thawwab: The Acceptor of repentance. This name of Allah is mentioned in the Qur’an about eleven times. Allah accepts repentance of those who truthfully and whole- heartedly repent and turn to him. The word `thawwab` gives the sense of `often returning` which means that Allah again and again accepts out repentance and forgives us. We commit sins and mistakes then we repent and he forgives us, then we go and commit more sins and repent and accepts our repentance again and gives us another chance. The Qur’an teaches that Allah is a Judge and He also punishes but Allah is not bound to punish. The justice of Allah, according to Qur’an is that Allah does not and will not inflict undue punishment on any person. He will not ignore the good of any person, but if He wishes to forgive any sinner, He has the full freedom to do so, His mercy is unlimited as shown in the hadith above and his love infinite. Human Forgiveness in Islam: It is very important to believe in the mercy and forgiveness of Allah but it is also necessary to base relationships on forgiveness. We cannot expect Allah’s forgiveness unless we also forgive those who do wrong to us. Forgiving each other, even forgiving one’s enemies is one of the most important Islamic teachings. In the Qur’an Allah has described the believers as: `Those who avoid major sins and acts of indecencies are those who when they are angry they forgive. ` `The reward of the evil is the evil thereof, but whosoever forgives and makes amends, his reward is upon Allah. ` Even in another Hadith, the Prophet once said that Allah had commanded him nine things, one of which he mentioned was: `That I forgive those who do wrong to me` The Prophet of Islam was the most known truthful and especially forgiving man. He was always ready to forgive his enemies even the very worse ones. When he went to the town of Ta’if to preach the message of God with his adopted son Mahmood, its people mistreated him, they abused him and hit him with stones. He left the city upset and wounded, then when he took shelter under a tree; the angel of Allah visited him and told him that Allah sent him to destroy the people of Ta’if because of their sin of mistreating the prophet. The prophet [rayed to Allah to save the people of Ta’if, because what they did was out of their ignorance. He said, `Oh Allah, guide these people, because they did no know what they were doing. ` When he entered the city of Mecca after the victory, the Prophet had in front of him some his most terrible, hateful enemies. Those who had fought ruthlessly against him, plotted to kill him for many years, persecuted his followers and killed many of them. Now he had full power to do whatever he wanted, to punish them for their crimes. It is then described that the prophet asked them: `What do you think I shall do to you now? ` They pleaded for mercy The Prophet returned `Today I shall say to you what Prophet Yusuf (Joseph and his 11 brothers) said to his brothers, `No blame on you today. Go, you are all free. ` Such was his immense mercy that they all came to finally realise the greatness of Islam and accept it with their hearts. He even forgave the previous rulers wife Hind who had caused the murder of his uncle Hamza. After killing him she had his body cut open wide and chewed on his lever leaving him to bleed. Despite this atrocious crime, when she accepted Islam and submitted herself to Allah, the prophet still forgave her. Conclusion Overall, all in all in my total truthful opinion, I do believe that Islam the true words from Allah does promote equality among society. `O Mankind! I have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one from another. Verily, the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is he who has the most taqwa among of you. Verily, Allah is All-knowing, All-Aware. ` With this verse, Islam declares its equality among people, that is because Islam respects a human for being a human not for any other reason; Islam does not distinguish between two races or two groups of people or between two colours and the Prophet Muhammad spoke to the people signifying that concept during his last pilgrimage, saying: `O People! Your God is one; your father is one; no preference of an Arab neither over non-Arab nor of a non-Arab over an Arab or red over black or black over red except for the most righteous. Verily the most honoured of you is the most righteous. ` Despite the teachings of our Lord and Prophet, these are all empty words if people do not listen to them and use them as their guides, and unfortunately when conflict does arise it is not because Muslims are fighting for their freedom in Jihad, No it is an extremely small minority of people who using Islam as a cover, go against the word of Allah and commit crimes. However, the majority of Muslims emphasize the equality in their religion, practically and theoretically. When all are praying whoever comes to the mosque 1st, can sit down in the front row regardless of his financial state or position and whoever comes last takes his place in the last row regardless of his position or importance. If you look along each row, one can see a diversity of people all kneeling down together sitting on the floor, the rich and poor, the knowledgeable and the unknowledgeable. There are no differences among these people as they are all the same in the sight of Allah, their direction during prayer, as well s their holy book, as their Lord is one and also their movements during the prayer follow one imam. Especially in Mecca and Medina, when hajj or umrah is performed, equality there is at its highest, everyone side by side all wearing the same clothes all bowing to the same God, only thing differing among them is the strength of their belief and the good they have done. An example of such was when some of the companions talked to Osama Bin Zaid, the favourite of Prophet Muhammad, to intervene for the sake of the well reputed woman from the Quraish tribe who deserved punishment for stealing (that is having her hand cut) Osama talked to the prophet, the prophet got angry and said: ` Those before you were districted, that is because the renowned is untouched when he steals, and the poor is punished, verily if Fatima (daughter of Muhammed) stole, I would have her hand cut. ` Islam is emphasizing the equality and applying it into the society since 1400 years ago, when during that time mankind used to suffer the worst distinction among people and individuals in culture and prepared the enslaving o humans. This is where the secret to Islam’s great real power, strength and past triumph lie. One is mistaken to think that Islam prevailed only because Muslims like dying in battles as others like to live, no!. Islam did not win through battles only, but because Islam is a complete unique guidance for life, unique in its rituals, beliefs, dealings and ethics and from all in all that is the religion of Allah. Â   Bibliography The holy qur’an the companions of the prophet book2 al-nawawi’s 40 hadiths Religion & equality booklet

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discuss the various perceptions of love in Shakespeare’s Essay

William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1595. When it was written, Shakespeare was quite young, 31, already five years into his career. Queen Elizabeth I was on the throne at the time, and many of the characteristics of Elizabethan lifestyle are included within the play. In the Elizabethan times, it was not unusual for people to get married and have children young. In the play Lady Capulet says, â€Å"By my count, I was your mother much upon these years,† to Juliet, who appears to be about 12 years old. She is telling Juliet that she was already a mother at Juliet’s age, implying she should be getting ready to marry now. Women were also not considered of much importance in those days. They were not as ‘important’ as men, and just used for sex, which plays a big part in the topic of conversation between characters throughout the play. Women/girls also had to obey their fathers until they got married, and then obey their husbands when they did get married. It was a very male dominant era. Romeo and Juliet is partly a comedy, tragedy and history. It is a tragedy obviously because of all the death in it. It is a comedy because of the irony and contrast the characters raise, and also because of the humour some characters like Mercutio and the Nurse bring into the play. It is a history as well because of the fact it was written a long time ago, and has historical contents in it. There is a great deal of love and passion in this play, but not all the same. Different characters have different perceptions of love, and different passions. The play is also as much about hate as it is about love, which is a very important element. Shakespeare puts emphasis on themes such as the relationship of love and hate and old and young. This is what I will be analysing in the essay. The play tells the story of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet; the children of two rival families living in Verona, who fall in love and get married without their families knowing. The hatred felt by their families leads to the death of five people. Two of who are Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed lovers who die because they want to be together but cant be. It shows the young as they struggle to escape from the morass of hatred created by their elders. The ancient family feud makes Romeo and Juliet’s union even more significant as they both hate each other’s families, but manage to overcome it when they meet each other. This play represents ‘true love’ because it shows pure hatred turn into pure love. Romeo and Juliet went against everything they were brought up with and gave up their lives to be together. Romeo is a very passionate person when we first meet him, and his passion stays throughout the play. We do learn however, that Romeo is very impulsive, and acts on this impulsive streak very often, and it leads him to do some stupid things, which I will show further on in the essay. The first reference to love in the play is in the opening scene where we meet Sampson and Gregory (two Capulet servants). They are both very vulgar and crude characters and show this straight away when they are talking about the Montague women. In lines 17-20, Sampson says, â€Å"Tis true, and therefore women being the weaker vessels are ever thrust to the wall. Therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall. † This is where the punning becomes sexual. He is implying that he will assault the Montague maids against the wall. Later on in lines 27-28, he says, â€Å"Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads- take it in what sense thou wilt. † Here he is saying that he will either chop off the heads of the Montague maids, or rape them, depending on what he feels like. Their behaviour shows that they do not actually think of love itself, and only think of sex. They view women as mere objects to serve their pleasure. They are not the only bawdy characters in the play to have this perception of women and love thought. In act two, scene one (lines 34-38); Mercutio is making fun of Romeo’s talk of love for Rosaline. He talks about a ‘Medlar tree’, and describes sex as a ‘Medlar fruit’. He is saying that Romeo really wishes Rosalie were a Medlar fruit, even though he says he loves her, all he really wants is sex. This is probably because this is all Mercutio sees love as. The Nurse is another one of these characters. She constantly talks about the physical side of marriage. To her, love is merely about sex and having babies. For Sampson, Gregory, Mercutio and the Nurse, love is something non-emotional, and they have obviously never experienced love like Romeo and Juliet’s. Love for Romeo and Juliet is very emotionally bonded, and they cannot live without each other. This however does not mean there is no physical element to their relationship. Romeo and Juliet eagerly look forward to the physical side. This can be seen in act three, scene two, lines 1-30, where Juliet is looking forward to her wedding night, or her â€Å"love-performing night. † But even this is altered by their love into something of which Mercutio, the Nurse and the servants know nothing of. In act one, scene one, Romeo’s parents show parental love when they are concerned about him. The first evidence to show they care about Romeo is in lines 118-119, where Lady Montague says, â€Å"Right glad I am he (Romeo) was not at this fray,† meaning she was glad that Romeo was not involved in the fight that had just happened. In lines 133-144, Montague talks about Romeo’s worrying behaviour. He says that he is always crying, distances himself from everyone else, and shuts out light, making himself â€Å"an artificial night†. Montague is obviously worried about his son’s behaviour, and asks Benvolio if he could talk to Romeo because he does not understand him. This doesn’t mean however, that he does not care how Romeo feels, but he evidently does. It just shows the contrast between young and old. The first time we meet Romeo, he seems very sad and down (in the exact state his father describes him to be in). he is sad because he is ‘in love’. For Romeo, being in love (at this stage in the play) is a very painful, negative thing, especially because here there is a situation of unrequited love. However, by studying Romeo’s language in this scene, I believe that he is not in love with ‘Rosaline’, but infact in love with the idea of love itself. The fact that he does not say Rosaline’s name once, but talks about being in love, shows that the she is irrelevant. Romeo’s doting over Rosaline is introduced to show the difference between love and infatuation. He talks about love as a painful situation to be in, as shown in lines 195-196, â€Å"A madness most discreet, a choking gall, and a preserving sweet. † This changes drastically though, when he meets Juliet. From the second he sees Juliet (in act one scene five); you can see he has changed. He suddenly speaks in a more positive tone, with more positive views on Juliet not just of love. â€Å"O she doth teach the torches to burn bright. † Romeo is referring to Juliet as an actual person, whereas before he was talking about being in love (supposedly with Rosaline), but never refers to her as a person. On meeting Juliet he experiences ‘love at first sight’. He goes on to say, â€Å"For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night†. This shows that he has forgotten about Rosaline already, almost like she never existed. Romeo constantly compares Juliet to a saint throughout the play, â€Å"O then dear saint. † He has made Juliet out to be the most important person (to him), in the matter of minutes. In their first meeting, Romeo and Juliet share a sonnet (lines 94-107). This immediately shows the connection of love and harmony that exists between them. In the sonnet, love as a religion seems to be the key subject, and Romeo talks about it so passionately. He refers to Juliet as a â€Å"holy shrine†, and his lips â€Å"Two blushing pilgrims†. By studying Romeo’s language here, and that of which he used when we first met him, you can see that his feelings have gone from being self-centred, self deceiving and essentially negative, to less self-centred, genuine and sincere passion, positively approached when he meets Juliet. The love between Romeo and Juliet is different from any other in the play, because both share the same view on love. It is so strong that they fought through everything to be together and when they weren’t they felt empty and sad. No one else in the play shows love for anything this deep. The words Romeo and Juliet use when flirting with each other emphasise their love for one another. They use words to do with the body â€Å"lips, hands, palms†, religion â€Å"pilgrims, saints, prayer, devotion and holy† then they put both ideas together, â€Å"holy palmers’ kiss† and â€Å"saints lips†. Romeo is trying to ‘woo’ Juliet with romantic gestures. In line 139 Juliet says, â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate! † Two types of love are at conflict here for Juliet. Romantic love (for Romeo) and love for her family, (because she was brought up to hate the Montague’s). This saddens her. There is another type of love in the play – parental and familial love, the love between parents and their children. We do not learn much about the Montague parents, but we do see a great deal of the Capulet parents. At first when we see Capulet talking to Paris, he is saying Juliet is his only daughter and she means a lot to him, so he does not want her to marry as young as she is. However, this changes completely by Act 3, scene 4 when he shrewdly decides to marry off his daughter to Paris and arranges the wedding. In Act 1, scene 3, Lady Capulet has a talk with Juliet about marriage (to Paris). She does not seem to care much about Juliet’s opinion, but more than she does later on. This is where we see her first selfish streak, and realise that their mother-daughter relationship is not a very close one. It is not until Act 3, scene 5 we see the Capulets completely fail their daughter, when they force an arranged marriage onto her. This is a striking scene, where Lady Capulet wishes Juliet was dead after she says that she does not want to marry Paris â€Å"I would the fool were married to her grave†. Capulet is even more heartless in this scene. He completely loses his temper with Juliet, and threatens to throw her out and disown her is she does not marry Paris. The love of the Capulets’ for their daughter is so possessive and domineering, that when she doesn’t do as they wish, it turns into utter cruelty and really makes you question whether they love Juliet or not. Her parents want to force her into a loveless marriage because they obviously do not consider love to be at all important in a marriage, and also because they think they know what is best for Juliet and that she is theirs to treat however they like â€Å"An you be mine I’ll give you to my friend; An you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets, for by my soul, I’ll ne’er acknowledge thee,† (line 192-194). This also shows the contrast between young and old – the old don’t understand the young. Lord and Lady Capulet actually show more love for Juliet when they find her supposedly dead, but even this is selfish love as they are more worried about how they are going to live without her. This shows just how superficial their love for Juliet is. Other characters that act as surrogate parents for Romeo and Juliet and the Nurse and Friar Lawrence. The Nurse nursed Juliet as a baby, and has practically brought her up. The Friar is someone who both lovers turn to for advise. Romeo goes to the Friar when he wants to marry Juliet. The Friar and the Nurse acted as messengers between Romeo and Juliet. They showed great support and parental love towards Romeo and Juliet when they got married, but even this was partially superficial. At the end of Act 3, scene 5, just after the big argument between Capulet and Juliet, the Nurse is trying to comfort a distraught Juliet, but instead she fails her miserably. When Juliet asks the Nurse what she thinks she should do, the Nurse surprises her by saying that she might as well marry Paris because Romeo has been banished and they can no longer be together. She thinks that love (marriage) is no more than having sex and having babies, then to her Paris would make just a good husband as Romeo would. She does not understand the depth of emotion involved in true love, and Juliet is very upset by this because she thought that the Nurse understood how she felt. After this conversation, Juliet goes to the Friar for advice (Act 4, scene 1). The Friar helps her a great deal, and you think he really understands Romeo and Juliet, but he in turn fails Juliet in Act 5, scene 3. When Juliet wakes up and find Romeo dead she wants to spend more time with him, but the Friar insists that they leave when he hear people coming their way, â€Å"Come I’ll dispose of thee among a sisterhood of holy nuns†. The Friar’s inadequacy in this crisis is shown by this ironic suggestion. He is fine until now to help the lovers be together, but when it comes to him nearly being caught out, he just tries to run away from the situation. This shows his selfishness, and the fact he does not understand the lovers’ affections and intentions to be together always. In this play of overflowing love and passion we are introduced to a character very different from all the others – Paris. Paris is an altogether good man, who is genuinely in love with Juliet and is the only one genuinely upset when she dies. Here there is another situation of unrequited love for Juliet from Paris. He is quite an innocent character caught up in the Capulet family’s complications and does not think there is anything wrong with the arranged marriage. He does not actually speak to Juliet until they meet in the Friar’s cell in Act 4, scene 1, and the marriage is arranged through Capulet. He is very thoughtful towards Juliet’s feelings, and in lines 6 and 7, he says he has not talked to her about ‘love’ (the marriage), because she has been weeping and is very sad about Tybalt’s death, but thinks that by getting married she will be happy again. Another character apart from Romeo and Juliet who is also driven by great passions and love is Tybalt. Tybalt shows the greatest passion for hate. In Act 1, scene 1 he says, â€Å"what, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, and all Montague’s and thee†. He is a very passionate character who also shows a tremendous amount of familial love, because he is prepared to fight and in turn die for his family. Mercutio is also another one of these characters. Although he is neither Capulet nor Montague, he shows a great amount of love of friendship towards Romeo and the Montague’s he dies whilst duelling against Tybalt for them. In his â€Å"Queen Mab† he lets his tongue run away with him because he is talking passionately about something (love) that he doesn’t believe in. The mood in the scenes in which we see Romeo and Juliet together, contrast with the atmosphere of most the other scenes in the play, because of their feelings for each other. They are the two main characters who are star-crossed lovers, so obviously their scenes are going to be much more romantic and intense with passion for love than any other. Their scenes are also more calmer, relaxed and create a pleasant, positive atmosphere, whereas the rest are mainly to do with the family feud or other less positive things (such as the arranged marriage). In the balcony scene (Act 2, scene 2), you can tell that they both see their love as more important than any ancient family feud. In lines 66-69, Romeo speaks of how â€Å"stony limits cannot hold love out†, meaning that even high walls are no challenge for love and that nothing can stop them from sharing their love. By the end of the play Romeo and Juliet have changed quite a bit. Romeo went from being almost in a state of depression, to this fiery most positive character. However the same impulsive streak he has at the beginning is still there right till the very end when he acts on his impulse and decides to drink the poison not knowing the facts of Juliet’s ‘death’. Juliet was quite childish at the beginning of the play, because she does exactly what she was told by her parents. You could say that both character stayed childish right till the end, because of the way they hid everything from most people because they were too scared to come out. You could also say though that they grew up, matured a lot and became more independent because they disobeyed their parents and found a way to be together practically by themselves (even though the Nurse and the Friar knew, they did not understand Romeo and Juliet properly). I also think that by spending their first night together, Romeo and Juliet matured more as they cemented their love. They both made huge sacrifices for each other, making their love even truer, and even though they both died in the end, Romeo died after kissing Juliet, and Juliet died after kissing Romeo. Just before Romeo takes his poison, he says, â€Å"here’s to my love! † and just before Juliet stabs herself she says â€Å"Oh happy dagger! † This shows they didn’t mind dying as long as they were able to be together. Also in the play, the actions for the older members, affect the younger members a lot. Because of them, Mercutio, Tybalt, Paris and Romeo and Juliet all die. This is what makes Romeo and Juliet such an immense tragedy. Now I have shown the various perceptions of love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, I will now pick out two contrasting scenes I have discussed and explain how I would stage them to show their differences. The two scenes I have chosen are, act 1, scene 1, with Sampson and Gregory (lines 11-27), and act 1, scene 5, where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time (lines 94-107). Sampson and Gregory are two very crude characters, and this has to be shown by not only their performances, but also their surroundings. The actors should wear green or khaki colours, with their swords hanging from a belt on their sides. This makes them look like they are army soldiers, who are ready to fight at any moment. They would have stubble showing, and walk as if they had something heavy on their shoulders, which makes them look ‘rough’, and rude. I would have them talk very loud, almost shouting, as if they owned the place, inconsiderate to other peoples’ feelings and are boosting about what they are saying. The lighting should be a bold green when Sampson says, â€Å"A dog of that house shall move me to stand. † Green is quite a hard, ‘sick’ looking colour, which will emphasise their foul minds. They should walk side-by-side, in the middle, and people should walk on the very edges (of the stage) to look as if they are trying to stay away from them. When they talk about the Montague maids and pushing them against the wall, one of them should pretend he is going to push a woman passing by into the wall, and then they both laugh about it. Romeo and Juliet’s first meeting is very special. In lines 94-107 they share a sonnet, so this should be a very romantic scene. Juliet should be dancing with someone else, then they all switch partners, and Romeo hurries to be hers. Until they start dancing with each other, there should be other people all around the room (on the stage), but as soon as Romeo says his first line, â€Å"If I profane†¦ † they should all move into the background, the music (at the party) should die slowly into a soft beat. Romeo and Juliet will dance in he middle, up-stage, and this will show the audience who they should be looking at and listening to. The lighting would hover from a calm yellow, to subtle orange, then to a soft red, then eventually to a light pink. These colours remind me of a beautiful sunset, and also romance, so I think it will work well because of the softness. They should go behind a pillar on the right side of the stage to kiss to show they are hiding it from everyone else. Romeo should wear a mask all throughout, and pull it off just before they kiss, and they should both look into each other’s eyes the whole time. This will show that they do not care about each other’s bodies. Both would be in their party outfits- Juliet’s should be in a long cream or white dress to show her purity, with red flowers or embroidery on it, also wearing red lipstick. Romeo’s outfit should be a red or maroon velvet material, with a yellow belt and silver mask. This will make him look like a ‘prince’, and the red worn by both characters, emphasises the ‘red’ associated with romance. They should speak softly to each other, and when they speak it should not be as if this is their first meeting, but as if they have known each other for a lifetime. This will show the special connection they have straight away.