Monday, May 25, 2020

Medical Advancement As A Medical Doctor - 807 Words

The individual in humanity is fueled by a passion he or she delves upon. It may range from an array of academics to public concerns to a philosophical emphasis. Therefore, I consider medical advancement as my enthusiasm to my intellectual character. As a young boy, the biology and chemical milieu of our body has always captured my attention since I was familiar on how the body’s various organs were organized. As such, I consider my persona as positive, focally goal-oriented, and optimistic in my morals As a toddler, my fascination with cars was a bit extreme. Collecting as many model vehicles as I could and memorizing all of the respective names by heart, I felt I was going to be an automotive professional. In a leisurely pursuit, my passion and knowledge for the anatomy of automobiles parallels my aspiration and interest in studying the human body and ultimately realizing my ambition in becoming a medical doctor. For those who have not focused on what’s under the hood of a car, and are less fortunate in understanding all those mechanistic components, vehicles systems are analogous to the human body. Simply put, an engine’s cooling system is like the body’s circulatory system. When we have a fever, a sensor initiates our private thermostat, the hypothalamus, resulting in sweating and other ways of cooling. My fervor for automobiles derives from my close uncle, who unfortunately passed away in a vehicle accident with a traumatic head injury resulting in a hards hip at the endShow MoreRelatedOrgan Donation Essay806 Words   |  4 Pagesto fifty lives. Kidneys, hearts, lungs, livers, and other major organs have been applicable for organ transplants. Doctors performed the first procedure of this kind in the mid-1950s and since sustained many lives, earning the common name a â€Å"gift of life.† These surgeries have led to many innovative procedures that can solve problems that once seemed insoluble. 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